Love it all. here for it. Take your time.

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I dream of camping alone..... and am terrified. We used to wilderness camp as a family when I was a child, as a late teen my sister and I went on a camping trip alone. We thought we were pros, could handle anything AND we were camping on an island for goodness sakes! The first night all I could hear was something gigantic crashing through the woods making directly for our tent. Strangely nothing ever arrived. But it went on and on. Neither of us slept at all. The following afternoon I tried napping in the tent while my sister started dinner prep. The same crashing started up. When I yelled to my sister "oh my god what is it??" she started laughing and said, "it's a chipmunk." Honestly I thought it was a bear, that's how much noise it made. So I admire you out there doing it alone, no matter how much I love the forest, and the quiet, and the solitude, I'm too afraid of those big noises in the dark!

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I was really scared hearing that story and I'm glad you provided relief. I'm definitely scared of bears, but have made good friends of several chipmunks. It's kind of cool no one taught me as a kid so I get to discover all this fresh as an adult. But maybe it would be the case for you also?

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The backlash, the nervous system, the aching need to tell my stories.... all your missives are like food for my soul. My stories may be different, but your experience of the journey makes me feel less alone. Thank you. Sometimes silence is because it even feels painful to comment. And for criticism - f*ck them. They are not who these stories are for in the world.

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I'm so glad to hear that, Christa. I hope you tell those stories. It helps so much with the ache. Sometimes it makes it worse but usually it gets better soon after.

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So Very interesting write up story. Beautiful you sharing your experience in the story.

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Thanks for sharing a new way to tell

stories. I am new here. I mainly write in bed. I know grief too.

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I hate camping...and yet I feel this love you have for it. It’s a love we all deserve to feel. The sheer joy and pleasure and silliness of being alive in a human body. Utterly pointless and deeply meaningful at the same time. So good. I also love that you’re honoring the book that is coming through and wonder what would be possible with the books of emails you’ve already written. They feel like a body of work in and of themselves. Maybe a journey that wants pages and a place on our bookshelves (or on the back of our toilet 😆) too.

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SRSLY. I've been writing two books a year for five years. If you crack this nut please let me know. Maybe it was all just learning and practice, which I'd be okay with, really. It was worth it.

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Sending so, so much care and support. I appreciate and admire you for taking care of yourself and your nervous system. I so acknowledge how difficult it all is. And I want you to know: I love your writing. I can feel your courage and emotion as you share. Thank you for speaking your truth in these words. XXX

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I love writing words and imagining you reading them. It always makes me feel really proud of my work when I see it through your eyes.

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